August 23, 2013

The day we got our hands dirty

clay test-models
photograph by House of Thol

After making our lovely sketches (these ones) and doing a Lot of research (a lot), we decided it was time to get our hands dirty.

A large part of the working of Waterworks is the terracotta cone that is responsible for slowly releasing the water from the reservoir into the soil. Sooooo.. we bought a bag of red clay and started building models of the cone by hand.

Well... let's leave it at 'we got our hands dirty alright' and forget about the fruits of our labour since they were not so ehm.. fruity.
But it did give us a better understanding of the material and pointed us into the direction of the shape the cone could have.
So after washing our hands and cleaning off the table, the floor, a portion of the wall and several chairs, we opened our laptops and got to work... More on that soon!

August 6, 2013

First sketchy ideas

First sketches and inspiration for Waterworks
photograph by House of Thol

Obviously we didn't really think much about these being the first sketches for our Waterworks-design, that's probably why i had to look through piles of random papers to recover them.
But they were: the first time we tried to visualize what we had been talking about: a pretty product that would help keep plants alive and green.

I back-dated this post (horrrorrr-shock-shouldn't be done- i know) so we can track the design process in 'realtime' from the first dodgy sketches and ideas up to our first working Waterworks prototype and all the things that'll follow.